Youthful Skin: The Benefits of Laser Skin Rejuvenation.
As we age, our facial skin gradually loses its elasticity and the alluring appearance of youth. The unwelcome onset of wrinkles and other signs of aging cannot be completely stopped. However, one way to delay this process and bring back the vibrant radiance of the skin is to try laser facial rejuvenation.
How Does Laser Skin Rejuvenation Work?
Lasers work by heating up the skin to force its remodeling process. The laser beam light penetrates the skin and is then taken in by the water molecules inside the cells. The water molecules become heated rapidly to a very high temperature, causing them to evaporate or be ablated. This causes a photothermal reaction, prompting the body to rebuild the affected areas. Additionally, heat shock proteins (HSPs) become activated to create more collagen and elastin. Both collagen and elastin are integral in keeping the skin tight, elastic, and strong.
What Benefits Can I Get from Laser Skin Rejuvenation?
Unlike other treatments, laser skin rejuvenation doesn’t just mask the symptoms of aging but rather reverse them. Results can be seen after a few sessions depending on the age of the patient and the degree of changes. It also addresses other skin problems such as hyperpigmentation, age spots, hemangiomas, discoloration, rosacea, and other pigment and vascular irregularities. Sun exposure can cause skin discoloration, as can certain hormonal disorders. Without treatment, these skin issues become worse and even harder to address.
Laser skin rejuvenation is an ideal solution for eliminating these problems as the laser targets unwanted pigmentation, making it fade away and helping restore a person’s lost confidence. The laser is also effective for sealing blood vessels and reducing the visibility of vascular lesions, often used for the face and other body parts.
Valure Spa & Laser offers state-of-the-art laser treatments for eliminating discoloration, vascular changes, and signs of aging, so that clients can look and feel their best again. With this laser therapy, there’s no need to be ashamed or self-conscious anymore. Now is the perfect time to book a session with us and see the amazing results of laser skin rejuvenation.
The laser creates a beam of high-intensity light that penetrates deeply into the skin tissue, where it delivers a controlled amount of targeted therapeutic heat. Candela’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology protects the superficial layers of the skin with a cool burst of cryogen before the laser energy penetrates the skin. Together, the long-pulse laser and either the DCD or air-cooling offers optimal treatment with minimal side effects.
Yes, laser and light-based treatments have been used for many years for a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures. Candela, the most trusted name in the industry, has pioneered the development of some of the safest and most effective technologies and products available on the market today.
In general, most procedures have a low risk of adverse side effects. Side effects include redness, swelling, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, blistering and purpura (laser bruise) in the treated area. These usually do not last more than a few days. Permanent side effects are rare.
Call today to schedule your free consultation with a qualified medical professional.
At Valure Laser & Med Spa we will tailor a plan based on your concerns and facial anatomy and the walk with you for the life of your skin.