Melasma is an acquired pigmentary disorder of the face. It is a symmetrical acquired hypermelanosis with slow progression, irregular coloration and irregular outline. It typically affects sun-exposed areas on the face and presents as symmetric brownish macules and patches coalescing in a reticular pattern.
Melasma: A Condition Affecting Millions Worldwide
Melasma is most prevalent among young to middle aged women with darker (Asian African or Middle Eastern) skin phototypes1 but can occur in lighter, western skin types as well. An estimated 6 million people in the US and 45-50 million people worldwide are affected by melasma with men comprising 10% of the affected population. Oral contraceptive pills, estrogen replacement therapy, ovarian tumors, ovarian dysfunction and thyroid dysfunction have been shown to induce melasma, suggesting a role for hormonal changes in melasma pathogenesis.
Treating Melasma: The Importance of Gradual Results
When treating melasma, one should not expect to see an immediate response, but rather a gradual improvement. In cases of immediate and fast response, the melasma will usually worsen within a few weeks post treatment. The ideal treatment course would involve frequent treatments providing slow, gradual results.

Call today to schedule your free consultation with a qualified medical professional.
At Valure Laser & Med Spa we will tailor a plan based on your concerns and facial anatomy and the walk with you for the life of your skin.