Sculptra: A Revolutionary Biostimulatory Filler.
In the realm of non-invasive aesthetic treatments, nothing is quite as ubiquitous and accessible as facial fillers. These catch-all terms cover the vast range of unique gels used by medical providers to shape bone structure, amplify one's best features, and reinstate fullness that is gradually lost over time. A large majority of dermal fillers sanctioned by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are primarily made up of hyaluronic acid (HA) - a fleeting hydrating material that naturally occurs within the body.
Now, the oft-overlooked and neglected category of biostimulatory fillers is finally getting the credit it deserves - our favourite being Sculptra.
So What Exactly is Sculptra?
Sculptra is a biostimulatory filler which essentially triggers the body's natural generation of collagen. The substance consists of a durable polymer named poly-L-lactic acid, which bears similarity to absorbable sutures, that spurs the production of collagen to ultimately promote a longer-lasting, fuller appearance as opposed to that of hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Once Sculptra is injected, the poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) triggers a biostimulatory effect within the tissues which results in the buildup of collagen in the precise area of injection, thereby improving the quality of skin and diminishing the visibility of wrinkles. Patients may also enjoy the “Sculptra glow”, which is seen in smile line reduction.
Why Opt for Sculptra?
In contrast to other fillers whose effects can be immediately observed, Sculptra works in a gradual fashion by supplying the body with the means to gradually reconstruct lost volume by generating collagen over time. We naturally lose collagen with age, leading to sagginess, fine lines, and wrinkles. By jump-starting the body’s own collagen production, Sculptra can be utilised to restore youthfulness, thereby diminishing the appearance of wrinkles, and replenishing the body’s lost collagen.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a qualified medical professional.
At Valure Laser & Med Spa we will tailor a plan based on your concerns and facial anatomy and the walk with you for the life of your skin.